Pelvic Health

We Develop A Targeted Treatment Plan


Pelvic Health

Many women suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction, constipation, fecal incontinence, urinary incontinence, post surgical pain, postpartum pain, diastasis recti and chronic pelvic pain.

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that surround the urethra (the tube that urine passes through). When they tighten they help prevent urine leaks. Strong pelvic floor muscles can help prevent leakage and calm the urge to pass urine.  Sometimes these muscles can be too tight, which can cause urine leaks, trouble emptying your bladder and pain during sex.


Pelvic Floor Muscle Home Exercises

Find the right muscleImagine you are in an elevator full of people and you feel the urge to pass gas. What do you do? You tighten or pull in the ring of muscles around your rectum – your pelvic floor muscle.

The LONG and SHORT of doing Kegels

  • One Kegel exercise consists of “both tightening and relaxing” the pelvic muscle. Be sure to relax completely between each muscle tightening.
  • Incorporate both quick and long contractions into your exercise program.
    • Quick Wink/Short Kegels – 2 second contraction then immediately relax. Do 5 quick winks in 10 seconds then relax for 20 seconds.
    • Slow/Long/Holding Kegels – (4-10 seconds) Tighten your pelvic muscle and hold for 4 seconds, then relax the muscle completely for 20 seconds. Over time increase the length of time you tighten the muscle
  • Initially, it is beneficial to do exercises while lying down until you feel confident in your technique with no abdominal use. Then try to do the exercises in all 3 positions: lying, sitting and standing.

Tips for Success

  • Commit to daily Kegel program to reach goal for dryness.
  • Maintain good health habits and positive attitude: an increase in fatigue, stress, anxiety, illness will all contribute to increased leakage.
  • Avoid constipation and keep bowels regular to lessen bladder symptoms.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to decrease pressure on bladder.
  • Limit caffeine, carbonation, alcohol and smoking which are bladder irritants.
  • Patience is a must! You must be dedicated or motivated to be successful. It usually takes 2-3 months to see results.

Common Mistakes

  • Use light to moderate effort when doing Kegels. Do not tighten thighs, buttocks or stomach muscles.
  • Do not hold your breath when doing Kegels. Count out loud.
  • Too many repetitions at a time causes over fatigue and failure to progress. The daily exercises cannot be performed all at one time. In the long term, no more than 10 Kegel reps should be performed per session.
  • Wait at least 2 hours between sets of reps to avoid over fatigue.
  • Do not reduce fluid intake which can make symptoms worse by increasing bladder irritability and can result in strong smelling urine.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

A specifically pelvic floor trained Physical or Occupational Therapist makes an assessment involving history taking to understand your symptoms, medical history, and pelvic floor function. Questions will be asked about bladder and bowel habits, sexual function, and pain levels to better understand your symptoms. A physical internal examination provides information about your muscle strength and coordination. Your therapist will provide information about the examination at your first visit. If you are uncomfortable with an internal assessment, an external examination is always available to you.

Our office has a comprehensive list of therapists in Lincoln and surrounding communities.

Your Visit

You will be expected to leave a urine sample and nursing staff may also check a post void residual using ultrasound technology.

If the urine is sent for Culture & Sensitivity (C&S), we will contact you with the results – this is usually three to four days after the specimen has been submitted to the reference lab. A C&S is done to confirm the infection is present, the type of bacteria causing the infection, and the best antibiotic to treat the infection. It also helps the provider make sure you are not developing a bacterial resistance to specific antibiotic.

Expert Urology Providers in Nebraska

Our urologists expertly diagnose and treat the full spectrum of urology conditions. Beyond their expertise, open communication and empathy guide our approach to patient care.

See Our Providers
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Thomas Brush

MD 5 years
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Dr Johnathan Henning, Nebraska Urology

Jonathan Henning

MD 10 years
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Don Henslee, MD, headshot

Don Henslee

MD 31 years
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Tara Kirkpatrick, MD with her hands on her hips

Tara Kirkpatrick

MD 6 years
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Andrew Lepinski, MD, headshot

Andrew Lepinski

MD 33 years
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Logan McGuffey

MD 5 years
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AJ Pomajzl, MD, headshot

AJ Pomajzl

MD 3 years
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Lance Wiebusch, MD, headshot

Lance Wiebusch

MD 14 years
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David Wiltfong, MD, headshot

David Wiltfong

MD 26 years
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Heidi Beynon Solano, PA-C, headshot

Heidi Beynon Solano

PA-C 8 years
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Casey Bock, PA-C, headshot

Casey Bock

PA-C 22 years
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Amy Collingham, APRN-FNP, headshot

Amy Collingham

DNP, APRN, FNP-C 2 years
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Jacob Creevan, PA-C, headshot

Jacob Creevan

PA-C 2 years
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Lillie Leuke, DNP, APRN, headshot

Lillie Lueke

DNP, APRN 1 year
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Simone Martin, MSN, APRN, headshot

Simone Martin

MSN, APRN 16 years
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Jackie O'Doherty, PA-C, headshot

Jackie O’Doherty

PA-C 1 year
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Ashley Sealy

MSN, FNP-C, RDN, LMNT 7 years
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Julie Wilson

APRN-NP 1 year
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Katherine Wolverton, DNP, FNP, APRN-NP, headshot

Katherine Wolverton

DNP, FNP, APRN-NP 2 years
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Tiffany Wood, PA-C, MPAS, headshot

Tiffany Wood

PA-C, MPAS 24 years

What Our Patients Say

The staff is very welcoming and professional. My yearly checkup was thorough and informative. I would recommend this group to anyone interested in the best level of healthcare!

The staff is always so considerate and they really go above and beyond for my client. Never a doubt that we are in good hands – and leaving with smiles.

I had an issue and was worked into the schedule with no problem. I received the utmost care and concern from everyone I worked with. The nurses were patient with me, helping me try different approaches until we found the right solution. They were very helpful throughout the entire visit, and even afterward when I needed a replacement cap. Such a great relief to know that everyone is so caring. Thank you!

I have had numerous appointments, procedures, and surgeries with Nebraska Urology over this last year. They are definitely a 5-star medical facility. The doctors, nurses, and other staff are extremely efficient, knowledgeable, and helpful. Everything ran smoothly, I am very happy with my decision to have my medical needs in their hands!

Need help? Visit our FAQ.

You may call 402-421-8899 if your questions are related to your planned procedure, procedure instructions, postoperative care, etc. This will connect you with our surgery preadmission nurse. If your questions is more general or related to your clinic appointment or if you are calling for procedure results, please call 402-489-8888 to speak with a clinic nurse.

In general, we believe that it is important for family members to be able to be present as much as possible in the preop and recovery phases of care. Patient safety, visitor safety, patient privacy and confidentiality are also important, so we entrust this to the discretion of our nursing staff. In general, we ask that no more than two family members/visitors be present to accompany a patient.

Minor/pediatric patients are required to have a responsible adult in the center with them at all times.

We do request that, whenever possible, your escort remain at the center until you are ready to leave. It is acceptable if they have a short errand to make and will return immediately prior to you being ready for discharge. If your driver leaves the center, we must have a phone number to reach them.

If you are having general anesthesia, we will request that you remove your dentures just prior to going into the operating room. They will be given back to you as soon as you are awake. This is due to the possibility of bending or breaking during your procedure when you will not be able to protect the dentures. If you are having only topical anesthesia, you may keep your dentures intact.

Please call our preadmission nurse at 402-421-8899 to discuss your procedure and current illness or symptoms. Our nurse will work closely with your surgeon to determine if there is a need to reschedule.

Your ability to return to work will be determined by your surgeon. You are encouraged to discuss them with him/her at your appointment. If needed, a release can be provided to you for the day of the procedure and FMLA/disability forms can be completed by clinic personnel. There is a nominal fee, and it may take up to 1 week for completion.

We do advise that you have someone available to drive you in some cases. If you are receiving general or moderate/IV anesthesia or if you take sedating medication, you must have a driver for your safety. For procedures that are scheduled without anesthesia (i.e. cystoscopy, prostate biopsy, vasectomy, etc.) you may drive yourself as long as you feel comfortable doing so.

Depending on your procedure and overall health, you may need pre-operative testing and/or an appointment with a primary provider to ensure that you are healthy and safe to undergo a procedure. This will be determined by your surgery and anesthesiologist prior to surgery.

Our knowledgeable support staff are here to help connect you with the care you need. Contact us today.